Procedure of Endorsement of a Publication
MENA-SINO is frequently asked to endorse papers. A process needs to be in place that establishes transparent mechanisms and criteria.
There needs to be from the start a clear separation of the peer review process (led by the journal) and the endorsement process.
Which papers:
- Paper with clear recommendations / statements of opinion (not research or review papers) are eligible for endorsement
- Accepted after peer review: This is important to not prejudge the outcome of the peer review process. This also helps avoiding issues related to confidentiality and conflict of interests.
Assessment criteria:
- Relevance of topic to the MENA-SINO (it is expected that endorsement will be granted only in a limited number of cases)
- Track record of authors
- Representation (leader in the field)
- Appropriateness of journal for designated audience
- Fitting with MENA-SINO policy/standpoint
- Appropriate Subcommittee (or expert ad hoc committee suggested by Subcommittee)
- MENA-SINO Executive, advised by the appropriate Subcommittee
Form of endorsement:
- The MENA-SINO Executive will decide wheter the endorsement will be from
a) The society as such (through the Executive) or
b) By individual members