MENA-SINO Stroke Centers Accreditation

WSO & MENA-SINO coperation
German Stroke Society & MENA-SINO cooperation

MENA-SINO Training & Fellewship

What is an MENA-SINO fellowship program in Neurovascular and Neurointervention ?

The MENA-SINO  in collaboration with Keyleading  Hospital at both regional and international level offers Multilevel Neurovascular and Neurointervention Fellowship   a two-year comprehensive fellowship training in field of  both stroke and neurointervention   where the fellow will be perfecting both or either neurovascular medicine and endovascular techniques to manage a variety of neurovascular disorders.  This fellowship provides extensive experience in management of acute stroke patients and other neurovascular diseases and neurointervention therapies , medical research, and outpatient CVD care.  

MENA-SINO Education


The MEAN-SINO-A supports access to high quality, globally relevant stroke and Neurointervention education. Our e-learning modules are designed to cover Neurovascular diseases endovascular intervention like stroke intervention , aneurysm EVT , AVM EVT , stroke prevention, diagnosis and acute treatment,  patient care  in a variety of formats (slides, conference webcasts, presentations, interviews, quizzes, case studies, etc.). All content is peer reviewed and regularly updated.

Inequities and Disparity Fight

The MENA-SINO Women In Neurointervention and Neurovascular (WINN)

In Poor corners of the world Inequity prevail and flourish up. Inequities evil kills Hope , Potentials and opportunities. Inequities manifest in all aspects of life ; they manifest in health care through structural exclusion of the underrepresented group of people based on gender , ethnicity  , socio-economic level .. etc. We seek to be the catalyst of change in 2 levels , patient care Inequities correction and physician opportunities Inequities correction. Change in the later could be catalyzed  by actively working to correct inequities as they manifest in health care through structural inclusion of the underrepresented in MENA-SINO leadership roles; advocacy within peer societies and with the public at large; and by promoting our field among underrepresented students from high school through residency. We commit to building a representative workforce within our field and to making the lifesaving treatments our specialties offer equally available to all members of society. In doing so we seek to reduce health inequity, health disparities, and to increase access to underrepresented vascular and interventional neurology physicians. While on the Patient level we think the first step to correct this inequities in MENA region to include more underrepresented group in the epidemiological studies , reaching stalk holder to change mentality and reaching public to change wrong beliefs could help in fighting inequities in MENA-region