Monthly Webinars

Monthly Neurovascular Grand Round Webinar 

MENA-SINO Academy Presents The Monthly Neurovascular Grand Round webinar series to address new topics in the field of Neurointervention, Stroke, and New master publications  with the aim of educating neurointerventionalists stroke professionals across the MENA region. The digital world has made it easier for professionals around the region to connect easily.


Upcoming MENA-SINO Webinars 

We are delighted to invite you to attend the monthly webinar series of 2023 by the Middle East & North Africa Stroke and interventional Neurotherapies Organization (MENA-SINO) Endorsed and accredited by the World stroke organization (WSO) & Society of vascular and interventional Neurology (SVIN).

You can watch the Upcoming webinar live here in :


Past Webinars 

MENA-SINO academy contains more than 200 hours of lectures and webinars in all domains of neurointervention and stroke. Regional and international speakers contributed to this library.The  MEAN-SINO-A supports access to high quality, globally relevant stroke and Neurointervention education. Our e-learning modules are designed to cover Neurovascular diseases endovascular intervention like stroke intervention , aneurysm EVT , AVM EVT , stroke prevention, diagnosis and acute treatment,  patient care  in a variety of formats (slides, conference webcasts, presentations, interviews, quizzes, case studies, etc.). All content is peer reviewed and regularly updated. 

Samples From 4 years Library of Monthly Webinars

Library of Monthly MENA-SINO Webinars


ICH updates

1 hour 40 minutes

In cooperation or Endorsed with

for more information please contact ( Webinar Committee )

Saima Ahmed

Consultant Neuroradiology , Lahore , Pakistan 

Chair of Webinar Committee

Email: [email protected]


Dareen Sadek

Consultant Neurology, Alexandria, Egypt

Vice Chair of Webinar Committee

Email: [email protected] 

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